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contrary to popular belief, I'm a pretty down to earth guy. however, if you follow this blog, you will never believe that statement.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Setting up a Base of Operations

so today I have reached an adequate level of boredom to set up my own blog. I have done this under my troll name, and as such I am free from the persecution of religious relatives, overly-sensitive friends, and the like. from here I will strike out into the internet community and spread my message of chaos.

no longer will I be limited by moderators and admins, no more shall I hear, "thats not the way you were raised," or "you cant say that here!"

there will be no moderation for what I have to say, no waiting for hours before a mod comes along and sticks a couple of **s into my swear words to make it suitable for viewing. and there will be no moderation for the comments left for me either. this is a place for free speech, even for the dumb.

the sky is the limit, and what I feel, I shall speak. I have found my glory hole to spout all of my hate into. Troll Mesa is complete.