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contrary to popular belief, I'm a pretty down to earth guy. however, if you follow this blog, you will never believe that statement.

Monday, October 3, 2011

speak fuckin american goddammit.

I live in america. here we have a language all our own. sure, its still english, but its not. we have sayings and slang that you wont hear anywhere else in the world. and our accent isnt even hard to understand, as long as you're not talkin about people from the south... and british people, wtf language are you speakin? its not english; in english, apples doesnt mean the goddamn stairs!!!
...but that aint even my gripe.
the problem is these mother fuckers who come here to live, and never learn the fucking language. its like mother fuckin babel in this bitch. I dont wanna press 1 for english. I'm in america, calling a business in america, which provides services only to american citizens. and when I press 1, the fuckin mother fucker who answers the goddamn phone DOESNT SPEAK AMERICAN!!! sure, its english... kinda... when I talk to a foreigner I at least make an effort to be understandable. and if I'm talkin too fast or using slang they dont understand, I try to accommodate them, slow down, enunciate, try not to use slang... but this mother fucker... HOW THE FUCK did you get the job as the press 1 for english guy?!?! just because you can read english and understand it, doesnt mean you speak the fuckin language. I already told you my mother fuckin phone number, twice. I'm not givin your ass my SSN. no, not even the last 4 faggot. and you can suck my balls if you want me to hold for a second. transfer me to the black dude; he may speak ghetto, but at least its still american.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Setting up a Base of Operations

so today I have reached an adequate level of boredom to set up my own blog. I have done this under my troll name, and as such I am free from the persecution of religious relatives, overly-sensitive friends, and the like. from here I will strike out into the internet community and spread my message of chaos.

no longer will I be limited by moderators and admins, no more shall I hear, "thats not the way you were raised," or "you cant say that here!"

there will be no moderation for what I have to say, no waiting for hours before a mod comes along and sticks a couple of **s into my swear words to make it suitable for viewing. and there will be no moderation for the comments left for me either. this is a place for free speech, even for the dumb.

the sky is the limit, and what I feel, I shall speak. I have found my glory hole to spout all of my hate into. Troll Mesa is complete.