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contrary to popular belief, I'm a pretty down to earth guy. however, if you follow this blog, you will never believe that statement.

Monday, October 3, 2011

speak fuckin american goddammit.

I live in america. here we have a language all our own. sure, its still english, but its not. we have sayings and slang that you wont hear anywhere else in the world. and our accent isnt even hard to understand, as long as you're not talkin about people from the south... and british people, wtf language are you speakin? its not english; in english, apples doesnt mean the goddamn stairs!!!
...but that aint even my gripe.
the problem is these mother fuckers who come here to live, and never learn the fucking language. its like mother fuckin babel in this bitch. I dont wanna press 1 for english. I'm in america, calling a business in america, which provides services only to american citizens. and when I press 1, the fuckin mother fucker who answers the goddamn phone DOESNT SPEAK AMERICAN!!! sure, its english... kinda... when I talk to a foreigner I at least make an effort to be understandable. and if I'm talkin too fast or using slang they dont understand, I try to accommodate them, slow down, enunciate, try not to use slang... but this mother fucker... HOW THE FUCK did you get the job as the press 1 for english guy?!?! just because you can read english and understand it, doesnt mean you speak the fuckin language. I already told you my mother fuckin phone number, twice. I'm not givin your ass my SSN. no, not even the last 4 faggot. and you can suck my balls if you want me to hold for a second. transfer me to the black dude; he may speak ghetto, but at least its still american.


  1. Don't hold back, OTTO. Tell us how you really feel. ;)

  2. Haha are you serious?
    English is English. British English was there first, then came American. And why learn American if you can learn English? When you go abroad most people will think you sound much more stupid when you speak with an American accent.
    And why are you bitching about foreigners not speaking English or American correctly? English is a language that is learned a lot in other countries, compared to most other languages. What languages does the average American speak? American. Maybe a little Spanish or French, but probably with an accent that is much worse than the phoneguy who could suck your balls.
    Most Americans I meet don't even try to speak my language but instead just start talking to me in their own.
    Other than that I agree with you that people who move somewhere should learn the language of that country.

  3. wtf do I care if I sound like shit in their retarded ass country? they do it in mine!!! fuck the fuckin fuckers.

  4. Dialect dumbass, fucking dialect; not language.
    For every city in every state that has a differing phrase of meaning for things that you will happen to chance upon in your lifetime, are you going to go out of your way to learn them?

    Don't start with the bullshit that all Americans in the north use exactly the same phrases for everything.

    Keep digging yourself a hole with this one.
    Your retardation is fun to watch and laugh at.

  5. fuck no, I'm not learning any foreign language, dialect, w/e. I'm stayin outta their goddamn country. you can stay outta mine cheesedick. at least claim your hate by putting a name on it, even if it is fake. pussy.

  6. Is "American" a variety of English which doesn't have any capital letters?

  7. no, but I have a strict policy against capitalizing anything other than "I" in reference to myself.

  8. Obvious troll is obvious... There is a reason why U.S. is considered a country of idiots. You sir, are that 99%. Congrats.

  9. Ok, obvious troll, are you just being an obvious troll?
    If not, your American English is atrocious.

  10. Wow, I read this post and thought of this... http://xkcd.com/84/
    ...That's the point I want to bring up here.
